Waders - Photos, Pictures - list in alphabetical order:
- African Jacana
- American Oystercatcher
- Bar-tailed Godwit
- Black bellied Plover
- Black oystercatcher
- Black-tailed Godwit
- Black-winged Stilt
- Blackshmith Lapwing
- Candelero Mexicano
- Common Oystercatcher
- Common Sandpiper
- Crowned Lapwing
- Curlew
- Curlew Sandpiper
- Dunlin
- Eurasian Avocet
- Golden Plover
- Great Stone Plover
- Greater Yellowlegs
- Green Sandpiper
- Greenshank
- Killdeer
- Lapwig
- Least Sandpiper
- Little Ringed Plover
- Little Stint
- Long-toed Lapwing
- Marsh Sandpiper
- Masked Lapwing
- Northern Jacana
- Pheasant-tailed Jacana
- Piping Plover
- Purple Sandpiper
- Red-necked Phalarope
- Red-wattled Lapwing
- Redshank
- Ringed Plover
- Ruddy Turnstone
- Sanderling
- Semipalmated Plover
- Snipe
- Snowy Plover
- Sociable Lapwing
- Solitary Sandpiper
- Southern Lapwing
- Spotted Redshank
- Spur-winged Plover
- Stone-curlew
- Temminck´s Courser
- Three-banded Plover
- Water Thick-knee
- Wattled Jacana
- Wattled Plover
- Whimbrel
- Wood Sandpiper
- Woodcock
- Yellow-wattled Lapwing
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